
Link Munch Home

Helping businesses connect, engage, and grow with content creators!

Rewarding customers to be content creators for businesses.

Beef burger with bacon, cheddar, homemade solty fries


Promotional Codes

What’s Link Munch?

Link Munch is an online platform that rewards users to be content creators for businesses. It’s where businesses can automate their UGC marketing without breaking the bank.

How it works?


Business launches UGC campaign

Restuarnt creates a promotion within the Link Munch Mechant app which is uploaded to the Link Munch platform.


User shares promotion on social media

Link Munch users can get their own promotional code for each promotion which they can share on social media to give their followers a discount.


User earns rewards with promo code

Link Munch users will earn rewards when a promotion is purchased using their promotional code.​